

store market

store LM


This Terrific Vehicle comes with special Features:
- Tires Tread left on tarmac when car over/understeer
- Smoke FX when BurnOut
- Smooth Movement of hood
- Rev Sound FX and Exhaust Flames
- Fully working Dashboard (Speedo(Rpm/Gears Display)
- Emergency Lights dash Button
- Stereo System : both dash touch and/or car menu (dual system)
- Noob Proof Drag and Drop Notecard with songs system (to add your favourite songs)
- Rez/derez a cool (textured/shadows baking with dramatic lights) car cover
- Brakes Disks Heats/glows under stress/intense use
- Custom Made Sit/Enter/Stand Up/Off/Drive/Steer Animations
- Astonishing Custom made "original" sound Set + 5 bonus Engine Sounds Sets (10 sounds each)
- Detailed and Maniac Car Tuning System
- Alarms,Self Destruction FX,License Plate Changer/Loader
- Tons of Paintjob


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